Sunday evening this gorgeous family met me in Otterberg for some family time. I love that they came to me because this little German village is one of my favorites to shoot in. In fact, it’s become my most popular place to take pictures! 
I met Chelsy about a year ago through our mutual friend Shareen and we hit it off immediately. She’s spunky and girly, and I love that combination! Her daughter is exactly like her. I got to hear all about how excited she was to start the 7th grade this week. Doesn’t she look older than that!? I was shocked at how grown up she is! 
Her son, Barrett, was awesome! He came up with the first pose all by himself and it ended up being my favorite shot of the evening! 
I loved hanging out with these guys and I think it shows…these images just made me giddy! 

Alright no more messin’ around on here. Off to do another shoot!

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