I was beyond thrilled to be asked to take family pictures of this particular family. I met Laura a couple of months ago. I realized she was a local photographer, I started quizzing her over Facebook and then I got to meet her through our mutual friend Jess. (SHOUT OUT!) I had coffee at her house and got to meet her sweet sons but Sunday was the first time I got to meet Eric and we all got to hang out together. We did some serious posing but also had a little fun so I added some of both today so you could see just how much personality they have!
Laura is my cup of tea. She works her butt off being a mom to two adorable little cabbage patch faced baby boys and taking on about 300x the amount of photo shoots any other sane person could handle. I dig women like this because it reminds me of my mom. Laura’s a “super-mom” and there is no denying that she has it going on. And she does it all with an easy going attitude and a wonderful sense of humor (which I am sure comes in handy with those boys of hers). Oh and did I mention she is a rockin’ photographer?!?! Please go check out her work!
Her men are pretty great too! They took me out to an area that they used to live near and we snapped away in between watching the train go by, trying to feed horses, and throwing leaves around! We attempted to lose the boys…just kidding…but we had a moment to grab a couple of shots of just Laura and Eric, and I am so glad we did because I wanted any excuse to stay in this beautifully lit location longer!!
I am learning so much about how quick you have to be when shooting children. Family shoots are still pretty new to me but I love watching the dynamic between members. It was so great to see how Laura and Eric could tag team the two boys and get them settled at least for long enough for me to get a couple of frames…and when all else failed…I improvised.
I am also getting the hang of portraits in the woods. Exposure is a little different because of the heavy shade and I have most definitely made some stupid mistakes like missing the fact that there is a tree trunk behind the model that looks like it’s growing straight out of their brain. I’m growing though! I love the new experiences and am so thankful for people like the Fentress’s for allowing me the opportunity!
I took so many shots and was so glad because little boys move faster than the speed of light…and most definitely faster than my trigger finger. I was so happy with the light and the “golden hour” was simply divine! I hope I can get out here to shoot some more models soon!
Pick me! Pick me! I want to go play in those woods with you! ;o) (also, fist pump for my shout out.) (also, miss you love you heading home this weekend!)