I haven’t done one of these in a while! I figured that since it’s a new year, I would go ahead and start with a fresh challenge and get in front of the camera instead of behind it for a bit!

The inspiration didn’t come for a few days…and that bugs me. Am I the only person who just wants to ooze creativity every second of every day? I start to itch once the moment hits. POOF! I’ve got a concept and then no time!

Tonight I raced home with intentions of making cupcakes…yes, that blog post may be in the near future, but tonight I was possessed by some other creative juices and they flowed out into this…

I love this photo because it encompasses all of the hazy goodness that I had envisioned! I wanted it to be dark but bright, moody but ethereal. I have always had a thing for butterflies. Of course, nothing like my owl obsession, but I have always loved the vintage Life cover “The Flapper” that was on the set for Three’s Company. ANYONE know it? and yes, I am aware the fact that I know that makes me creepy and old.

Image found on Two Doves Printing Etsy shop 

After discussing the butterfly concept with a new friend in the industry, she mentioned Steve McQueen’s hat for a 2008 collection. After seeing pictures, I knew exactly how I wanted to approach my own shot.

photo found on exshoesme.com

Inspiration comes from everywhere, but it comes as it pleases. In a new year, sometimes it’s hard for me to see past the goals, price changes, marketing budget, and so on. It’s nice to take a breath and start fresh with a new self portrait, and let the year unfold with new inspiration!

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