One of my biggest struggles as an artist is comparing myself to other artists. I don’t think this is anything groundbreaking. Everyone struggles with comparison in one form or another. I always want to stand out, but not too much because everyone seems to be following some sort of trend, and I want to be part of it! Instead of worrying about what others are (or are not) doing, I’ve been trying to lay that all aside to just be a NEON light for life. I want you to look at my images and really feel like you are there, and in this case, dancing around in the woods like a bohemian princess, crown and all!

This clash of emotions that I’ve been feeling, can really make me battle through post processing as well. I see something I want to focus on, a color that I want to pop, or eliminate! Editing, for me, has always been just part of the job but lately I’ve been spending more time playing with an image, trying to let color speak to the observer. I won’t always make everyone happy, but for those of you who are looking for my specific look, I’ll try to stay true to my style!

For one shoot, I can have several different looks. I’m not just talking about the outfit changes, or the locations, but the feeling you get when you look at the pictures, and that’s what makes it my art. For the sake of consistency, I try to hone in on a certain editing style I want to convey for that particular shoot.


…and then there are the times when I get to style < shoot < edit all for my own little eyes!

Last week I had the opportunity to hang out with my newest photographer friend Carmen Garza Strong again. She approached me about doing a bohemian shoot because she said I fit the idea in her mind perfectly. (I love when a new friend can see the hippie inside of me!) I provided myself and dress, and she provided the location and head piece!

Styled shoots are so fun and I never really get to do them outside of my weekly Coast2CoastChallenge, and helping clients when they ask about their own outfit options. I definitely WANT to do more and hope to find some clients in this area who get as excited about them as I do.


Carmen and I had so much fun playing around (even in the heat) and I loved looking at the shots I got with my remote shutter after I got home! It was so funny to see myself and know that I was taking pictures but not quite sure if I was in the frame, where in the frame I was, and if I was in focus! It was kind of tricky but I got some shots that just made me ooh and ahh and post processing took me a little longer than usual because of course I am my most critical when editing myself! It’s so weird looking at myself and the whole process probably didn’t do a whole lot for the whole comparison issue I have. I played and changed things that I wouldn’t normally…but hey, why not!? It’s always good for me to get out of my box and do something I wouldn’t normally do, just to see if I like it!

My style is always changing…and I would like to think it’s getting better. I love that I have the capability of being the best version of myself everyday. That’s why I spend time shooting…even when I’m not behind the camera. Knowing what my clients feel like in front of my camera gives me a whole new set of skills I didn’t have before.

I really enjoyed every element of the shoot. Editing is usually my least favorite part, partially because I love a raw image. However, I was pleased to feel like these pictures really came alive in the editing process.

I will try to keep the selfies to a minimum..but honestly, when I don’t have shoots scheduled, it’s fun to just shoot anything available!

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