Guess what?! Through my new husband, I have acquired an “Aunt Jan”. She’s actually his great aunt, but nevertheless, she is exactly who I want to be when I grow up. I can’t wait until the next opportunity to have her mix us up some old fashioned’s, but today, she allowed me to make her Peonies famous. *famous being a relative term, of course*
Upon my recent move, I’ve found out that these babies grow in gardens EVERY direction you look. I have been joking that I was going to clip them from homes in the middle of the night, ninja style, but Aunt Jan saved the day, because she willingly offered to share! (Have I mentioned how nice Wisconsinites can be? It’s almost as if I was home in Texas.)
Without much of a schedule (the move was bad timing for wedding season), I have had plenty of time on my hands. I hate to get lazy, so I have been trying to keep busy outside. The weather is basically perfect, and I left most of the bugs and humidity in Georgia.
I promise this isn’t all I’ve been doing. I’ve been getting lots of quality time with my new sister in law and niece, as well as networking with other photographers and wedding vendors in the area BUT, today I spent timmmme with these beauties. I arranged, styled, snapped, and repeated. That’s usually my go to routine when I find a new obsession. Here are the results: