It never fails. It seems like every time there is a big change in my life, my immune system shuts down. I am writing from bed today because I feel like crud. Surely it’s just a cold, but I have to get better quick! I am a big baby and being stuck in this state while I should be getting a ton of other last minute things taken care of is just a baaaad combination.
Lucky for you, it means I have been busy editing pictures. I went to Bad-Durkheim’s wine fest this weekend and I am happy to show you all of the details!
For some reason, I think the wine might have had something to do with it, but I didn’t take the usual amount of pictures I usually do. I took a lot for a normal person, don’t get me wrong, but I’m usually that “girl with the camera in front of her face” and I’ve grown accustomed to taking more pictures in a day than most do in their lifetime. It’s just my thing.
My partner’s in crime for the day! We took the train so we could all drink and I’m glad because we had such a great time tasting different wines. I have learned that I really like the Rieslings here a lot more than I do at home. They aren’t as sweet! Maybe the grapes are just different…but they are much more tasty!
We did ride this contraption! It seemed like a great idea at the time but I think we all felt a little fuzzy after we got off of it. No worries though, we just found more food to make it alllll better!
This ride was probably the best one we could have chosen though because I got some great pictures from the top!
seriously… you shutter speed is soooooo much faster than mine! I check my photos today and over half from when we were swinging around are blurry. LOL SO excited about Thursday!!! (:
The very best to you Jen in future endeavors and welcome back to the great state of Texas !!! – from an old photographer in Texas