I have been back for a little over a week now and I realized when a few of my German friends asked if I was okay, that I mayyyy have been neglecting the blog just a bit. So here I am guys, safe and sound, just trying to fit in with the Texas crowd again! I haven’t gotten my camera out of hiding yet so please excuse the iphone pictures! I will be back in business soon!
Things have been slowly starting to feel normal. It’s funny though because there are definitely changes in me as well and the people around me have to get used to those in the same manner as I have to get used to being here again.
Driving on the Loop and enjoying a west Texas sunset! |
Debbie, my little sister, has Mondays off so that’s our hangout day. I love it! We went thrifting yesterday and last Monday she showed me a couple of new places in town that have popped up since I was here last and I love the progressive changes that Lubbock has made to be more like…well…me!
They just opened up another consignment exchange shop that I love and that means that once I get a job I can actually do some affordable shopping again. Speaking of, I just got word that I have an interview on Thursday at a DIFFERENT but still just as awesome consignment shop so wish me luck! I need a job, even if it’s just to pay for gas money at the moment!
Yeah, I’m pretty spoiled. My wonderful family has really taken me under their wing and given me a car with brand new tires to drive as well as let me crash with them with the only stipulation being that I cook for them. :) DONE! Mom even bought me a pedicure this weekend…I am so lucky. Seriously.
I have made a couple of new friends this week and also had so much fun catching up with my old ones. I attended a new small group on Wednesday with a couple of friends. I got to witness the last of Lubbock’s Battle of the Bands at a local bar called “The Office”.
I got all caught up on trashy tv that I shouldn’t be watching in the first place. I went to a housewarming party for an old friend I used to work with at Coldwell Banker. I went mountain biking on Friday with a couple of guys I met the night before and it was a surprisingly crazy good time.
feeling kinda like death after mountain biking! |
My brother and brother in law both play on an indoor soccer team so I got to attend their game this weekend which was highly entertaining even though because they suck. Last night I went to Rudy’s (brother in law) Volleyball game and it was a LITTLE better but not much. haha. It’s really fun.
I also attended a National Geographic photographer’s lecture at Texas Tech. It’s going to take a bit before I feel settled but I am keeping pretty busy so I’m sure I’ll find my niche soon!
Steve McCurry at Texas Tech |
Speaking of, I am looking for new clients who are needing photos! I didn’t realize how many of my favorite clients would pack up and leave Lubbock when I did and I am wanting to be so much busier than I am so please tell your friends and family near Lubbock to keep me in mind!
I do miss Germany and all of my adventures there but I am trying not to live in the past and have some new adventures here. I am keeping up my fest trend and went to the JAB fest this weekend. (Josh Abbott Band) I got to wear cowboy boots and hang out with all of my girlfriends. There were a LOT of cowboys there. I’m talking a stupid amount. It was ridiculous how out of place I felt but it was a great time and the bands were wonderful! I also got to have some Texas bbq served to me by my mom’s best friend and neighbor..the joys of the small town life!
Haley came in town to see me!! |
Deb with our Karmin tickets! |
some of the lovely ladies I get to hang out with all weekend! |
Ohmygosh so much going on! That post has me exhausted and I haven't even gotten off the couch yet this morning ;o) Glad you're having fun sweetie… and SUPER jealous you get to see Karmin! The picture of the coffee mugs makes me a little sad we can't have tea time… but I love you and I'm glad you're doing well.
yup it's been crazy. and it's not stopping! I am trying to catch my breath long enough to get serious. I start a new job this week!! we should have tea time over skype sometime!