I think my buddy Ferris Bueller said it best and I am feeling like I need a pause button today! Time just flies here!
I am having the hardest time believing that I have been home for 2 weeks already. I have been going non stop the entire time and I have completely slacked off in the blogging department!
Here’s a little catch up.
You know that saying that goes, “You can’t go home again” ? Well, I understand where the author was going with it..but I don’t agree 100%. I have sure enjoyed being home. I love the people that cling to me while I am here. They make me feel loved and missed and wanted. I believe that there are people in Germany who feel this same way about me, but Texas is home…and it’s so obvious that I am home.
I have been everywhere and seen everyone in the last 2 weeks. I have been to my favorite coffee shop at least 3 times. I have had REAL Starbucks, not “fakey-bucks”. I have gotten to eat ALMOST everything on my cravings list. (West Crust, anyone?) I HAVE, however, completely avoided the mall. James did let me do a little birthday shopping at Target though. :O)
Fa la la la la la la la la la I got to celebrate the birth of my savior baby Jesus with friends and family, and spend Monday with extended family! I got to spend my birthday with some very special friends who graciously dressed up in ugly sweaters for me. And NYE with some of my favorite girls. It’s been wonderful…but I have had Germany on my mind.
Like I said, life moves fast here. I think it’s changed more than I have. I kind of realized this weekend that it seems to be moving on without me just fine. It’s not that I haven’t grown…maybe it’s just that Lubbock, Texas and I have just grown apart a little.
It makes me a little frightened and a bit sad..but I think that is just growth seeping in. With the holiday season coming to a close and friends and family going back to work, it’s almost like I got sucked up into a Texas tornado in my time here and today it decided to spit me out and I’m not sure where I’ve landed. Maybe it’s everything that’s going on, or maybe it’s all the concluding thoughts that rush in this time of year, but I just feel a little lost in this big state tonight.
Look at that Starbucks! Look at those extra-big parking spaces! Look at all those friends! But this post made me a little sad… I guess it's true of us all as we grow up, huh? Weird.